Internet Of Things2022-Delivery 3
Elective in Internet of Things
(A. A. 2021/2022)
Final Delivery of Group Project (Final Exam)
The final delivery is part of the final exam of the course. It serves as a demonstration of the technical skills that you have developed during the semester.
The groups need to present the final system and demonstrate the core functionalities of the system in operation.
Additional information about the first delivery are given during the class and communicated through the Google Classroom system.
On Tuesday, 24th of May, during the class hours (10:00-14:00) each group will get 15 minutes to present their work, answer to questions and get feedback.
What to submit
- Final versions of the 3 documents presenting the Concept, Architecture and Evaluation.
- The finalized documents need to reflect the work delivered.
- The final versions of the documents should *not* explain the difference between the previous versions and the new version. Instead, they need to provide the final position of the project.
- The updated versions of the documents should provide a link to the previous version of the documents (history) so that anyone interested can still check the previous versions.
- A blog post presenting the project, with focus on the IOT elements
- Briefly explaining the core idea
- Present the architecture, hardware components and network diagram, offered services and software components.
- Provide technical details on the IOT elements (hardware/software)
- Explain how your solution was evaluated (metrics/methodology) and how it performed (results).
- The blog post needs to provide information on the project and links to the github page.
- The blog post needs to be uploaded to a public site, e.g., LinkedIn.
- A presentation of the project (maximum 10 minutes).
- The problem (1 minute)
- Existing approaches (1 minute)
- Your solution/system/idea (1 minute)
- The main hardware components of your system and the network diagram (2 minute)
- The architecture of your system and software services (2-3 minute)
- The evaluation study - performance achieved for each metric considered (2-3 minutes)
- Discussion: Which parts you did not implement and why + List of new functionality that you would love to see in the future (1 minute)
- The video needs to be uploaded as public youtube video.
- The youtube video page needs to provide information on the project and links to the github page.
- A demonstration of your project (maximum 5 minutes).
- A complete demo of your system with focus on the IOT elements.
- Parts of the functionalities can be demoed using simulated/emulated environments.
- The video needs to be uploaded as public youtube video.
- The youtube video page needs to provide information on the project and links to the github page.
How to submit
All the required material needs to be published under the same github repository. The students need to submit the link to the github repository through the Google Classroom system.