Smart Objects

First Year / First Semester Laboratory of Smart Object

(A. A. 2022/2023)


This course introduces the basics of smart objects, i.e., objects able to interact with an external environment and with other objects. The aim of the course is to provide students with the background needed to develop a product prototype featuring interaction capabilities.


The material of the course is organized in two axis: (a) the first axis that contributes towards the development of the theoretical and technical background necessary to a prototype of a smart object featuring interaction capabilities and (b) the second axis that focuses on the application of the theory and techniques studied for the realization of three smart objects, i.e., objects able to interact with an external environment.

The topics covered in the first axis include the notion of smart object, principles of object-environment interaction, and some basics on programming, with emphasis on command execution. The axis looks into the prototyping platform Arduino, and covers aspects of elementary circuit design and Arduino programming. Students will learn how to make a product prototype able to interact with the external environment, through a simple circuit controlled by Arduino. Topics covered include: Smart Objects: Overview, Interaction Design, Storytelling, Personas, Storyboard and Costumer Journey, Tiles IoT Toolkit, Prototyping, Tangible Interfaces, The Sense-Think-Act Interaction Paradigm, Overview of the Arduino Structure, Basics on Visual Programming (XOD), Sensors and Actuators, Interfacing with Sensors and Actuators, Elementary Circuit Assembly, Arduino Projects.

Regarding the second axis, for each different assignment students are organized in groups of three and take over the design, development and evaluation of a smart object. The development of the smart object will be based on the Arduino platform. Each project will be demonstrated at the end of a three weeks period. Each group needs to handin the final prototype, a poster (printed) demonstrating the design choices, and a video presentation of 60 seconds. The evaluation of the projects will be based on the Design Aspects (analysis, prototypes, aesthetics), the Research & Experimentation carried out during the development and the Interaction, Technology & Integration.


A total of three assignments will be handed over. These assignments are done in groups of 3 students.

The development of the smart object will be based on the NodeMCU ESP8266 ESP-12F Wifi Lolin V3 platform. Students are required to buy the ESP8266 platform together with an electronic components starter kit that will be used during the course. A basic shopping list is reported below.

The above equipment will be used to learn the basics of Arduino programming and circuit assembly. Additional components may be needed, depending on your design choices for the realization of the course projects.

Each project will be demonstrated at the end of a three weeks period. Each group needs to handin the final prototype, a poster (printed) demonstrating the design choices, and a video presentation of 60 seconds. The evaluation of the projects will be based on the Design Aspects (analysis, prototypes, aesthetics), the Research & Experimentation carried out during the development and the Interaction, Technology & Integration.

Final Exams

The course will be evaluated based on the performance of (a) the three group assignments, (b) the final presentation and overall contribution of each student within the three groups and (c) the active participation of the student during the semester.

You can find detailed information on what you are expected to submit, how and when for each of the group assignments and the final exam in the Google Classroom.

Additional information about exam products are given during the class and communicated through the Google Classroom system. We strongly suggest students to attend the class and to participate to these activities in order to complete the assignments within the dates of the course.



All classes take place in Classroom F7, via Flaminia, 70.

  • Remote participation is available through Google Meet.

Time Schedule

  • Monday 11:30 - 19:00

Contact & Discussions

Course Plan & Detailed Material

  • Lecture 1: Monday, October 3, 2022.
    • Introduction to Course Objectives, Goals and Organization
    • Presentation of Projects from previous years.
    • Interaction Design (Interaction model / Interaction Tasks)
    • Introduction and goals of 1st Group Project.
  • Lecture 2: Monday, October 10, 2022.
  • Lecture 3: Monday, October 17, 2022.
    • Interaction Design Workshop - Design Concept - First project
  • Lecture 4: Monday, October 24, 2022.
    • Workshop on Smart City Services
    • Visual Programming with XOD, Sensors and Actuators
    • Fritzing
  • Lecture 5: Monday, November 7, 2022.
    • Delivery of 1st Group Project.
    • Introduction and goals of 2nd Group Project.
  • Lecture 6: Monday, November 14, 2022.
  • Lecture 7: Monday, November 21, 2022.
    • Visual Programming with XOD, Sensors and Actuators
    • Interaction Design Workshop - Design Concept - Second project
  • Lecture 8: Monday, November 28, 2022.
    • Workshop: XOD, Sensors and Actuators
  • Lecture 9: Monday, December 5, 2022.
    • Delivery of 2nd Group Project.
    • Introduction and goals of 3rd Group Project.
  • Lecture 10: Monday, December 12, 2022.
    • Visual Programming with XOD, Sensors and Actuators
    • Interaction Design Workshop - Design Concept - Third project
  • Lecture 11: Monday, December 19, 2022.
    • Introduction to the Internet of Things
    • The MQTT Protocotol
  • Lecture 12: Monday, January 9, 2023.
    • Workshop: XOD, Sensors and Actuators
  • Lecture 13: Monday, January 16, 2023.
    • Delivery of 3rd Group Project.


  1. Gaver, B., Dunne, T., & Pacenti, E. (1999). Design: cultural probes. interactions, 6(1), 21-29.
  2. Johnson, J., & Henderson, A. (2002). Conceptual models: begin by designing what to design. interactions, 9(1), 25-32.
  3. Löwgren, J. (2006). Articulating the use qualities of digital designs. Aesthetic computing, 383-403.
  4. Bakker, S., Antle, A.N. & van den Hoven, E. Embodied metaphors in tangible interaction design. Pers Ubiquit Comput 16, 433–449 (2012).
  5. Scott Fitzgerald and Michael Shiloh: THE ARDUINO PROJECTS BOOK. Published September 2012 by Arduino LLC.

Previous Years